Sunday, October 12, 2008

These Times

This past week has been something hasn’t it? If you are retired like I am and dependent on your investments for your standard of living you face a pretty certain adjustment in the days ahead. We have experienced the worse decline in the stock market in history and our portfolios reflect it. Unfortunately that adjustment may not be over and certainly the recovery time is quite unknown. It is easy to pass this off as something that will soon pass, but the severity of the event and the reaction by governments all over the world say that this is may last for a time.

Scripture informs us that there will be a time of sorrows. Some say we are in those times. Some Christian prophets have pointed towards this financial melt down in very specific terms for years.

These times test our Christian resolve and demonstrate as nothing else could where our true loyalties lie. Have you found yourself focused on your losses and their devastating effect or have you had a sense of the Lord and His presence in you during this time of testing? I have to admit that I have experienced both. I have lamented the losses we have accrued (only paper losses at this point), but I have also been conscious of Christ in me and that my small “fortune” is not where my security lies. I believe Jesus is in both our desire to preserve our storehouse and our knowing that He is the source of all things in our lives. Mourning our losses is a real emotion that I am certain the most dedicated among us is feeling. Being a Christian in hard times does not demand that we deny our humanity.

The fact is that the harder the times the closer we draw to the Living God who indwells us. The negative feelings and events help us to see all the more the power of God in our lives. His Spirit brings to us comfort and wisdom and even joy in times that seem absolutely hopeless and impossible.

You will hear all kinds of “Christian” advice over the next weeks and perhaps months. Job got a lot of advice also. Very little of it helpful. Most of the advice we get can be dismissed with a smile and a nod as regurgitated religious speak.

Pray for wisdom in the coming days. True Christianity is far simpler than what you will be hearing. God does not desire sacrifices or any of our good works, he desires vessels in which to dwell and through which He can act. Remember you are always and forever near God because He is in you.

As we move forward accept your emotions your fear and anger and loss. Above all do not condemn yourself for these troubles. And while you work through your feelings look for Christ to manifest himself in ways that will surprise and delight you.

Perhaps there is a new move of the Spirit coming. It will be manifested in ways we have never seen before. If indeed these are times of sorrows, then we are ever closer to the coming of our Lord.

May the Lord bless you mightily in these times that test us.